Chang Jiang at it's "original" design!
It is time to introduce our lovely girl-friends, which will be with us for all the time
around and... even more! Born in 1937 in MuNiHe (Munich), Germany, she was popular during
the WW2 under the cozy name R 71. She was already phased out in 1941 by her substitute R
75 who was more capable for desert and similar terrains.
More new models came thereafter and nobody remember her any more, but just for a short
while only, until the Russian came with their "original" copy including sidecar
in 1959.
Her new name was "URAL" coming from Irbit near to Jekaterinenburg. The
Russian climate favored her grown-up phase and in her teens she had already new sisters
with the name R 72, M 62 M 67-640 and MT 12.
After many successful and unsuccessful tries cloning, the brother "Dnepr 16"
was born in the 70s and she disappears for a short while just until the Chinese
"invented" her again under the new name Yangtze or Chang Jiang from Nanchang.
In the meanwhile the Chinese cloning was even more successful than the Russian ones so
that she is still in full swing with many brothers and sisters.
Amongst the Lao Wai she became the favorite with the erotic name M1 and M1M.
M1 with 750 ccm SV-engine . This was very similiar to the original R-71, then they
modified the engine a little bit with starter and a AC generator. The ingition contact
plates were moved to a small round box outside the engines left side at 1300 o`clock.
Later on came the OHV 750 ccm into the same frame, still with no oil filter and the same
old system very much like the BMW R-69 engine from the 50`s.

M1M Super. Trykk på bildet fro stort! |

Du kan komponere selv, bl.a. farge! |

M1M Super |

Military model |

Military model SV, M1M |

This bike has elstart and 12 V AC generator. |

Basismodellen |